Friday, June 27, 2008

BIM COURSE CHANGE आवश्यक कि जबरजस्ति

सबै कुरा परिवर्तनकामि छन । समयसंगै चल्नु हाम्रो आवश्यकता र अपरिहार्यता
हो । शिछा आफैमा अपुर्ण छ । कुनै पनि शिछाले त्यस ब्यक्तिलाई पुर्ण बनाऊन
सक्दैन । यो बाध्यता हो । ऊसमा निहित गुण, बुझ्न र जान्न चाहने उसको
छमता, उसले अध्ययन गर्ने ठाऊ(College) र Course(Degree) ले ब्यक्तीको
पहिचान निर्माण गर्दछ ।

BIM course Faculty Of Management अन्तरगत 2001 मा TU द्वारा सम्बंन्धन
दिईएका college हरुले संचालनगर्दै आएका छन् । Management र IT को समायोजन
नै यस्को प्रमुख बिशेषता हो । केहि बर्ष यता आएर बिस्तारै यस बिषयमा
भर्ना हुन आउने बिधार्थिको संख्या घटिरहेको छ । यो यथार्थ हो । साथ-साथै
पास भैसकेका बिधार्थिहरु पनि सम्बन्धित छेत्रमा जागिर पाउन नसकेको, धेरै
बिदेश अध्ययनार्थ गएको र केहि बेरोजगार भई बस्न बाध्य भएको भन्ने तथ्यांक
आइरहेका छन् । यो दोस्रो यथार्थ हो ।

१. University and Affiliated College २. रोजगारदाताहरु र ३. बिधार्थि र
बिषयको त्रिकोणात्मक संबन्ध(Triangle relationships) रहन्छ । यदि ई
तिनैको समायोजन राम्रो संग हुन सकेन भने माथि ऊल्लेखित समस्याहरु झन
चर्को रुपमा देखा पर्नेछन ।

किन यसो भयो?
१. सुरुबाति बर्षहरुमा कलेजहरुमा बिधार्थिको चाप राम्रै थियो । नया
बिषयमा नया ऊत्साह । पढेपछि के भईन्छ ?. र पढिसकेपछि बिधार्थिहरु रोजगारि
कहां पाऊलान? बिधार्थि र कलेज दुबै निस्चिन्त थिए । समय बित्दै जादा
कलेजहरु आ-आफ्नो डम्फु बजाऊन लागे । हामि राम्रो हाम्रो परिछाफल
यस्तो......यावत यावत । यसले के देखाऊछ भने कलेजहरु गुणात्मक भन्दा
संख्यात्मक पछमा थिए । जस्ले ऊनिहरुको तत्काल नाफा बढाईरहेको थियो ।
बिधार्थिहरुले के बुझ्नु जरुरि छ भने शिछा उनिहरुको पेशा हो नकि सेवा ।
मात्रामा फरक मात्रै हो ।

२. TU ले पनि New Course संचालन गरेपछि ब्यापक गुहकार्य गरेन । सिमित
कलेजका सिमित ब्यक्तिहरुको सल्लाह र सुझावमा काम गर्दै गयो । अनुगमन र
नियमन निकाय फितलो भएपछि बांकिले खेल्ने मौका पाउछन् । भएको त्यत्ति हो ।

३. पढ्ने र पढाउने तरिकामा पनि बार्षिक परिछामा जस्तै गरियो । ३ CrHr
साताको ३ घण्टा पढाउनु पर्नेमा ६ घण्टा पढाईयो । जस्ले गर्दा बिधार्थिले
राम्रो संग Project Work गर्न पाउदैनन् । आर्को भनेको Subject Expert हरु
एकदमै कम छन कलेजहरु संग। यो नै सबैभन्दा ठुलो दुर्भाग्य हो
बिधार्थिहरुको लागी ।

४. ७-८ बर्षको दौरानमा कलेजहरुले बिभिन्न रोजगारदाताहरु संग सहकार्यको
निति अवलम्बन गरेनन् । कमैमात्रमा यस बिषयको बारेमा रोजगारदाताहरुलाइ
थाहा छ । TU मुख्यरुपमा दोषि छ । लोकसेवालाई पनि यस बारेमा जानकारि छैन ।

५. केहि हदसम्म हामि बिधार्थिहरु पनि दोषि छौ । हामि पनि रिजल्टमै रमायौ
भबिष्य सोचेनौ । बिभिन्न खाले कोर्षहरु आफै गर्दा हुन्थ्यो तर सबैले
त्यसो गर्न चाहेनौ । खर्चको समायोजन पनि हाम्रो लागि चुनौति हो ।

सोच्नु पर्ने कुराहरु:
१. BIM आफेमा एउटा Discipline हो । Computer Science र Computer
Engineering संग यसलाई दाजेर हेर्नु उपयुक्त हुदैन र हेर्नु पनि हुदैन ।
२. Specialization Course Change गर्न सकिन्छ नकि Core Course हरु । यो
सामान्यतया कहिपनि गरिदैन Market Demand को नाममा । होईन भने Spring
and Fall Session मा फरक फरक Course पढाउन सक्नु पर्यो ।
३. Core Course change गर्दा त्यसले ल्याउने प्रभावको बारेमा अध्ययन
गर्नु जरुरि छ किनकि BIM नै अन्तिम पढाई होईन ।

के गर्ने त?
१. BIM पढाउने कलेजहरुका बिच आपसि सम्बन्ध बढाउन जरुरि छ । Teaching
Methodology, Project work, Evaluation system को बारेमा न्युनतम आधार
तोक्नु जरुरि छ ।
२. Faculty Empower गर्नु अपरिहार्य छ । Full time Faculty member को
संख्या बढाउनु पर्ने देखिन्छ ।
३. अन्य बिश्वबिधालयका Subject Expert , Employer र कलेजहरु मिलेर आयोग
बनाएर यस्को आवस्यकता र बास्तबिकता उजागर गर्ने र लागु गर्ने । अहिले
जस्तो १-२ जना Graduate र ४-५ जना Undergraduate मिलेर होईन ।
४. सबै कलेजले बर्षेनि न्युनतम रु. २ लाख देखि ५ लाख सम्म Research and
Development मा खर्च गर्ने । यसमा University Grants Commission ले पनि
सहयोग गर्नु पर्ने दखिन्छ आवस्यकता अनुसार ।
५. हप्ताको ३ दिन ३ घण्टा मात्रै पढाउने र बाकि समयमा Research मा संलग्न
गराउने ।

के Course Change गर्दैमा सबै बिधार्थिले रोजगार पाउछन त????
प्रश्न महत्बपुर्ण छ । बाकि कुराहरुमा पनि Revise or Change गर्नु पर्यो
। हो २-३ बर्ष सम्म पनि Course revise हुनु पर्ने हो भएको छैन ।

जुन ऊदेश्य र लछ्यका साथ BIM Course बनाईएको थियो सम्बन्धित कलेजहरु र TU
ले पालना गरेका छन त???

होईन भने कसैको निहित स्वार्थपुर्तिका लागि वा सम्बन्धित बिषय पढाउन
Faculty नपाउने समस्याले Change गर्ने मनसाय हो भने दुर्भागयपुर्ण छ ।
होईन भने माथिको प्रश्नको उत्तरदिनु जरुरि छ सम्बन्धित निकायहरुले ।
यस्तै हो भने BIM Course छ होईन थियो हुनेछ ।


Helpful Anil said...

I'm a BIM student of 6th semester at prime college...
I'm feeling so depress after reading this blog but want to give really thanks to BIMAN's groups for posting a very genuine article about BIM Course syllabus and many more...
Why TU is not update our course syllabus and don’t provide a clear roadmap for BIM graduate… Is the main concern of all BIM student and ex-BIM students.
TU is responsible for it…and we all need to approach in unity for giving them force.
The other main thing is to force TU for lunching the MIM course soon….
Please join all BIM students in the BIMAN’S forum and move toward in unity…
--Anil Dharel

Helpful Anil said...

I'm a BIM student of 6th semester at prime college...
I'm feeling so depress after reading this blog but want to give really thanks to BIMAN's groups for posting a very genuine article about BIM Course syllabus and many more...
The main concern right now is why TU is not update our course syllabus and don’t provide a clear roadmap for BIM graduate…?
TU is responsible for it…and we all need to approach in unity for giving them force.
The other main thing is to force TU for lunching the MIM Program soon….
Please join all BIM students in the BIMAN’S forum and move toward in unity…
--Anil Dharel

Harendra said...

Some of courses like: DBMS, Data Structure, Web Tec, need revision, that's all.


Nikesh_Bim said...

It's me Nikesh from NCCS(National College of Computer Studies)....When i read this blog then i was confused about the future of BIM in Nepal....
So Join the BIMAN'S forum & put your hands for the UNITY.
So LETS DO IT for our future......
and the upcoming BIMANs...

Unknown said...


It is to notify to all the BIM
students that we have just launched a forum website [] for all BIM students. The prime and fore most objective of our forum: is to popularize our Bachelor in Information Management (BIM) course.

INTERNET is the fastest and the most efficient way to share the information and popularize any products. With this view in mind, we have launched this forum. And to achieve its goal it should continually move ahead and for that we all have to contribute by ensuring its continuity and popularity.

Another objective is of course the discussions on different topics relating to our problems in the college, course, subjects, teaching methodology and lots of interesting topics. We all know that discussions will always lead us to a better solution and generates lots of ideas via sharing of knowledge amongst each other. There are many categories in the forum where you can discuss or start new topics and urge others to discuss. We are sure the BIM students will find at least one category of their choice.

All you have to do is:
Logon to ‘’
Register -> Become a member -> Start discussing on the topics

You can also submit & share your problems and let other members solve it. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

There's even a section for the ex-BIM Students (X-Students Corner) where they can share their experiences with the current batches.

Lastly, we would request you all to make this forum a burning platform where we can share our ideas & knowledge, put forward problems and get resolved via discussions, populate fresh news/gossips and the feature-list goes on
and on. So, please visit the forum, register and start posting.

The slogan of our forum states " Forum Striving To Link All BIM Students"

Please inform about this forum to each and every BIM students. And yes may be this blog and forum can go hand in hand. That would be wonderful.

For support:

Forum Management Team
BIM 3rd Batch (8th Semester)

Unknown said...

what is bim? and what are its scope ?
now i can answer these questions .........before while in 1st and 2nd semester
i had no clue what bim is and what after bim??what is the objective of bim and lots of questions releated to bim
and was stilling studying it cluelessly ,,,,but now i know it all still i am clueless what am i to
do after my always i think i will find out only when the time comes..i have seen lots of
my seniors who passed out bim either apply for master degree or teach in the same college to the this what
will we too be doing after we graduate and teaching in colleges is the last thing i would want to do.and besides
these graduate studets are not experieced enough to teach the bachelors students for god sake you have just
graduated and its not even been a year.and heres another thing, while these graduate students were teaching us
and its like about a month or two that they've been teaching us their 8th semester results just comes out
haha how funny is that...god damit you guys are spoiling the career of innocent students like us....
i dont know why is it so.. can't these people find job else where ..these people are like teaching while they wait for their
master degree enrollment...
so i am clueless here what we are to do after we finish this bim. is applying for masters degree only the choice or
we got something else to do .i think its the only choice in context of nepal....only some fucking lucky dudes are
gona get jobs in real technical nepal its either you start your own business or work at some banks as
cashier (i think its where you start with bank and gradually get promoted) or go abroad for masters degree and find
job there.....

so i think its useless studying bim in context of nepal...but its very demanding developed countries.....

bim student 3rd semester

Rupendra said...

Im Studying BIM at 7th sem. Yo corse kasto course aahilay sama pani ma confuss ma chu.
aaba 2 sem baki cha. panchi k huney ho.........god knows

Rupendra said...

Im Studying BIM at 7th sem. Yo corse kasto course aahilay sama pani ma confuss ma chu.
aaba 2 sem baki cha. panchi k huney ho.........god knows

dilak said...

guys i completed +2 and my entrance for BIM is tomorrow. and looking at your comment i think im making a wrong decision. i also have a form for BBA. what should i do? whad do u guys think? is it okay with BIM or shall i go to BBA? it would be grateful if u guys help me out. thank you.

Gaurav Shrestha said...

I am Binita Shrestha , waiting for my last sem result of BIM . the teaching process of IT courses is not sufficient for the BIM students to grab all the knowledge related to it without any practicals in that field.
students can put their hand completely neither on management field nor IT field!!

Anonymous said...

Well there should be atlest few semesters continuing same subject. Since i have completed it noe for further studies i dnt have enough credentials to study any of those as mojor!!!

Anonymous said...

I am a BIM student of 2nd semester studying in Nagarjuna College of Information Technology.Its a great deal to study....BIM.Its not easy as every one has has to labour hard for the achivement in IT.since,it is the growing subject...its scope is increasing due to the increase in information and,good luck who ever is plannig to grab this oppurtunity n thinking about it...come lets be BIMers....

Unknown said...

i just gave +2 and i am planing on joining BIM for my bachelor level..........after reading this all comment i kindda felt.confused............student of Ex-Bim out u think there is enough scope for after doing BIM right now.....

Unknown said...

I am Rabi Tamang.
I was also confused to choose the study of BIM but now i know about this.
what is scopes and what is posted about the BIM is the only and read made course to get job in any organization in the field of the IT management System!

Anonymous said...

I am student of BIM 1st Semester at St.Xavier's college.As well studying Diploma in Computer Engineering and i am going to leave the Diploma Computer Engineering.
I really confused when i admitted BIM at St.Xavier's College.This is my main confused part in my life and i felt so frosted about it.
Nepal Government does not have any specific scops about the course of BIM and as well TU.
Now,This is really bad luck for me about the world study.But i am praying with God which course is better for me ,Diploma in Computer Engineering and continue to BIM again.This is really bad policy from the world peoples of Nepal.
What is exact scopes after BIM??
I think there is now any specific scopes.
Not good courses TU has running up.

I think Diploma in Computer Engineering is best for me but i already done the HSEB in 2067.
I am sorry for this chance but i am in 50% scholarship.
Hey guys do you have any comments about the scopes of the BIM in Nepal as well in the world??
Thank you.

Bishal Mahat said...

IT is itself a best course, BIM is best for upcoming digital market because its gives you idea about mgmt as well as IT, yes academically its not sufficient to compete in market if we enhance our skill in any branch of IT i do not think we will be jobless , but BIM BCA BIT doesnot make any sense if you dont have knowledge of IT professionally and in case of management BIM can easily compete with BBA